Use this messaging system to coordinate dinners, find roommates, and more!
Suggestions for the best way to get from the airport to the Hilton Hotel? Uber, taxi, or other?
If you do not have a lot to carry, the MAX Red Line would be the way to go. Inexpensive and runs often.
Looking for a ticket for the Leadership Forum. The option is no longer available...wonder if it is just sold out.
Looks like both hotels are already sold out!!! Anyone looking for a roommate?
I JUST booked my hotel room. So maybe they opened up additional room?
Thank you Patrick. Shortly after posting that, we worked it out to get more rooms opened up!
I will attend on Tuesday and would love to meet with my fellow Guest Services community members during a break or at the evening event. When would be best for you that day -Coffee Break, Dessert time, or during the Poster Session? I will try to arrange the use of a room.