Association Policies

Thank you to all who joined us live and virtually for this year's Annual Conference! We enjoyed seeing you all and being able to offer such a special experience both onsite and online. 

Post-event recordings are currently being edited and will be available to view or purchase over the next several weeks, ideally by early August. Information regarding access and on-demand purchasing will be forthcoming. Look for emails from us or check the website for updates. 

We appreciate your patience and flexibility!

Please see the below for important information regarding our policies on pricing, cancellations, and COVID-19 and general protocol. You can contact us at with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your interest in attending this year's conference!

2022 Conference Pricing

The following is an outline of in-person conference registration options. All registrations include plenary sessions, concurrent sessions, and in-conference meals. 

This year a selection of concurrent sessions will be recorded. Recordings will be made available as quickly as possible following conference, likely within several weeks, and will remain available to you for the next year. More information about registration, post-event recordings, our virtual experience, and additional fees below.

Early Bird By 4/15

Regular Rate By 6/10*

Late Registration 
On-site in Portland

Access to Post-Event Recordings
Four-Day Registration

Association Member
Entry Level (Incl. Student)

Three-Day Registration - Choose 3 Days

Association Member
Entry Level (Incl. Student)


Two-Day Registration - Choose 2 Days

Association Member
Entry Level (Incl. Student)

One- Day Registration - Choose 1 Day

Association Member
Entry Level (Incl. Student)

The following is an outline of virtual (online) conference registration. Registration includes live-stream of plenary and concurrent sessions and access to all recordings after the conference.

Early Bird By 4/15

Regular Rate by 6/10

Late Registration Through Conference
Virtual (Online) Conference

Association Member
Entry Level (Incl. Student)

Additional Fees:

If you are attending our conference live onsite, your registration fee includes access to educational and networking sessions, our Exhibit Hall, daily breakfasts, Keynote and Plenary lunches, and receptions (as well as any food and beverage offered at said receptions) that occur at the main conference hotel. This fee helps us offset the costs of putting on the conference including but not limited to space, transportation, marketing, logistics, hotel and Association staffing, audio visual, food and beverage, signage, registration, digital, and print materials, etc.; as well as act as a core revenue driver that allows us to offer many member benefits throughout the year. This fee does not include guests or tickets to workshops, tours, offsite receptions, post-event recordings, etc. because there are additional costs for the Association and its hosts to offer these types of events and services outside of what the registration fee will cover. The Association aims to provide as much value as possible regarding our annual conference experience and appreciates the understanding of our attendees and members in this regard.

Cancellation Policy:

All refund or cancellation requests must be made in writing to the American Public Gardens Association. Refund schedule: 

3/1/22-4/15/22: The Association will refund registration fees less a $125 processing fee 

4/15/22-6/10/22: The Association will refund 50% of registration fees.  

After 6/10/22: There are NO REFUNDS for cancellations, no-shows, or unused function tickets, including illness-related.  

Cancellation policies and fee do not pertain to the optional tours and workshops, which may be cancelled for a full refund up until May 31, 2022. No refunds for these events will be given after May 31. Please direct all questions regarding refunds to

In the event the Association must cancel in-person events, the Association will contact registrants regarding a virtual continuation of the conference and/or refunds to match the cost of virtual registration. Should the Association have to cancel the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, the Association will contact registrants to offer transferrable registrations, refunds, or donation options.

Presenter/Sponsor/Exhibitor Discount:

Presenters, Sponsors, and Exhibitors will receive a special registration code via email to use to sign up for the conference. If you do not receive this code, please reach out to Currently, the Association offers no other discount at this time. We encourage those interested or in need to checkout our scholarship opportunities that apply to the conference.

Speaker Waiver:

All presenters must sign the Association's Present Waiver in order to participate in the 2022 Conference. CLICK HERE to review and sign.


The Association is committed to making the virtual conference and all professional development content accessible for all. All presentations, whether in-person or in virtual formats, should consider accessibility and inclusive practices. 

Click here for advice on preparing and Delivering Accessible and Inclusive Presentations 

Diversity and Inclusion:

The American Public Gardens Association is committed to creating an equitable, diverse and inclusive culture where the contributions of all community members are valued, respected and appreciated. The Association also seeks to encourage and support its members in creating this same culture within their own institutions. 

Just as the gardens and landscapes we present are biologically diverse and engaging, we seek to consistently re-examine our professional values, modify our existing practices and remove barriers to being diverse and inclusive.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


The American Public Gardens Association is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience at Association events. We seek to provide a conference environment in which diverse attendees learn, network, and enjoy the company of other attendees in a professional environment. The Association does not tolerate harassment in any form. Discriminatory language, behavior, or imagery that renders discomfort in others is not appropriate. Those who violate these standards risk being immediately barred from further event participation or referred to appropriate authorities.

COVID-19 Protocol: 

The Association recognizes the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic and is taking every precaution to ensure the safety of all who attend the Annual Conference. The following policies will be in effect for all in-person attendees of the 2022 Annual Conference. 

For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:

In-person Attendee: any person physically present at any conference-related events, including conference registrants, family members or guests of registrants, exhibitors, session speakers and presenters, other Association vendors or contractors, Association staff members, and staff family members or guests

The Association will follow the recommended guidelines set by the CDC, the State of Oregon, Multnomah County, and the City of Portland. All in-person attendees are required to abide by the following Association requirements and are expected to comply with all COVID-19 safety protocols. Non-compliance will result in cancellation of registration and/or removal from the event.  

All in-person attendees are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and are required to provide proof of vaccination via CrowdPass, a HIPAA-compliant verification system. If you are registered to attend in-person, an email from CrowdPass Team ( will be sent to you prompting you to complete the verification process.  

Please note: You must enter your information exactly as it appears on your vaccination card. All attendees must complete the verification process, even if you have previously used the CrowdPass system. CrowdPass is most easily accessed via smart phone. We ask that you enter your information by Monday, June 6, 2022.

At this time, all attendees are strongly encouraged but not required to wear masks, especially in enclosed areas and while aboard provided transportation. We trust that everyone will respect the comfort levels of others and will help all our attendees feel safe and comfortable as we return to an in-person Conference experience. 

Vaccination Requirements: 

All in-person attendees are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and will be required to provide proof of vaccination. At this time, "fully vaccinated" is defined as having received either a single-dose vaccine (e.g. Johnson & Johnson's Janssen) or all doses of a series vaccine (e.g. Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech) at least 14 days prior to attending the conference. Booster doses are not required at this time.

In-person attendees who are unable to meet the vaccine requirement are encouraged to register instead for our Virtual 2022 Annual Conference. Guardians of unvaccinated children ages 12 and under may contact the Association prior to the start of conference to discuss possible accommodations. 

Mask Requirements:  

At this time, all in-person attendees are strongly encouraged but not required to wear masks, especially in enclosed areas and while aboard provided transportation. In-person attendees who have documented medical concerns that preclude them from wearing a mask must contact the Association prior to the start of conference to discuss possible accommodations.

Notice of Photography and Filming:

Please be aware that by attending the American Public Gardens Conference events and sessions, your photograph or video may be taken without notification. The American Public Gardens Association reserves the right to use these images for marketing related purposes. You are hereby waiving the right to inspect and approve any images, as well as any claims. If you have any questions regarding photography and filming, please ask to speak to an American Public Gardens Association staff member. Thank you! 

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