Suggestions for the best way to get from the airport to the Hilton Hotel? Uber, taxi, or other?
If you do not have a lot to carry, the MAX Red Line would be the way to go. Inexpensive and runs often.
Looking for a ticket for the Leadership Forum. The option is no longer available...wonder if it is just sold out.
Looks like both hotels are already sold out!!! Anyone looking for a roommate?
I JUST booked my hotel room. So maybe they opened up additional room?
Thank you Patrick. Shortly after posting that, we worked it out to get more rooms opened up!
I will attend on Tuesday and would love to meet with my fellow Guest Services community members during a break or at the evening event. When would be best for you that day -Coffee Break, Dessert time, or during the Poster Session? I will try to arrange the use of a room.